Gentlemen of the Press, I warmly welcome you to this press conference to announce the recent 100% accreditation of all the twelve undergraduate programmes of Admiralty University of Nigeria by the National Universities Commission (NUC).
Admiralty University of Nigeria (ADUN) was established by the Nigerian Navy Holdings (a Subsidiary Organization of the Nigerian Navy) in partnership with an international organisation. Today, ADUN is fully owned by the Nigerian Navy, currently headed by the Chief of the Naval Staff, Vice Admiral AZ Gambo.
The Motto of the University is “Excellence in Education.” The Vision of the University is to be internationally recognised as a University with a global perspective that meets the dynamic needs of society by educating leaders who shall embrace value creation for the good of mankind’. The mission is ‘to advance the frontiers of human knowledge by providing leadership in teaching and learning, research and service using cutting edge technologies to meet current educational demands in order to summon the myriads of challenges facing humanity’.
Management has drawn from these guideposts a picture of ADUN as a Global University Educating Luminary Leaders.
In order to ensure that the quality of academic programmes of every University is of the requisite standard, the National Universities Commission, as well as some professional bodies, periodically carries out Accreditation exercises which are an external mechanism and process of assessing or measuring the strength of such programmes.
In July 2021,I inaugurated a Program Accreditation Taskforce, and charged it to coordinate all preparations towards presenting ADUN’s twelve (12) programs to the NUC in the year 2021.They were to work in such quality state as to guarantee that all the twelve (12) achieved accreditation. I gave the charge under the code: Vision 12-12-21.
The Task Force worked with, and received the full cooperation of all Principal Officers, Management staff, Programme Coordinators, Lecturers, and general staff of the University. The enthusiasm, sacrifice, and dedication of the staff were outstanding. The harmony of service, in spite of the pressure that all staff members shared, resulted in the incredible outcome, which students, parents, staff, the community, and the founders of the University (The Nigerian Navy) all share today.
Between November and December 2021,Admiralty University of Nigeria, for the first time in its less than four(4) years of operation, presented all its twelve (12) degree programmes, offered at the time, to the National Universities Commission for assessment, evaluation, and validation. Four (4) different panels, each comprising four (4) members working on different days, carefully reviewed the University’s various course delivery structures and contents and supporting facilities. In particular the panels assessed ADUN’s Library resources (volumes of hard and e-copies of books, journals and periodicals), qualifications and adequacy of teaching and non-teaching staff, academic documentation reflecting students evaluation of their instructors, Instructors evalution of their students, class attendance, novelty in course development, adequacy and quality of faculty offices, lecture rooms, laboratories, and studios, as well as adequacy of funding among other indicators.

About five(5) months after the maiden NUC Accreditation visitation to ADUN,the result was released on 14th April 2022,stating that all twelve(12) programmes received accreditation (Eleven (11) programs were accorded full accreditation status, while one (1) received interim accreditation status). This historic achievement is notable, because it was the first time ADUN would go through an external accreditation review in its young stage of development; and the University achieved a top grade A+ performance.
With this, the integrity of our Programmes is externally validated and our students can graduates from the Programmes. Further, the NYSC with which Management has successfully registered ADUN, can call our graduates for service
I take this opportunity to announce that, we also now have the approval of the NUC to commence Law Programme with effect from 2021/2022 Academic Session. Anytime soon, the University is expecting the Council of Legal Education (CLE) to verify our resources for full take-off.
Previously, the Federal Government of Nigeria had assessed the entire University and granted ADUN a permanent Operational License.
It may also interest members of the Press to know that our efforts at educating Luminary Leaders have attracted laurels far and wide. Only recently, one of our admirable students won an Award. Moses Terhemba Ape, a 400-level student of Cyber Security was crowned as the overall best Nigerian student in Academic Excellence Category by the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, Ojaja II at the third edition of the prestigious Royal African Young Leadership Forum Awards (RAYLF) Ceremony held on May 21st, 2022 at the Obafemi Awolowo University Auditorium in Ile Ife.

I am also elated to tell you all that the House of Representatives on the 15th of June, 2022 passed the Admiralty University, Ibusa Establishment Bill into Law. With this enactment, which awaits concurrence by the Senate for onward transmission to the President for his assent, Nigeria can now boast of two Military Universities, the first being the Army University Biu,in Borno State. Hopefully ADUN will soon be a Public University with definitive imprint of the NAVY.
The Success story of ADUN’s maiden accreditation outing is significantly a credit to the financial and moral support which the University has enjoyed from the Nigerian Navy before and since the University commenced academic activities in January, 2019. The huge investment and provision of financial resources resulted in the quality infrastructure and hiring of the qualified staff that positioned ADUN for glory today. We also thank the NUC for their invaluable guidance throughout the process.
The Management, Staff, and students of Admiralty University of Nigeria owe a debt of gratitude to the Nigerian Navy, which has not only provided the infrastructure and financial support base for the University, but also offers the physical security to members of this colourful family called ADUN.
Sincerely, I want to on behalf of the Proprietors of the University, the Governing Council and Management Staff sincerely congratulate the entire ADUN Community, our parents/Guardian and Admirables (students) for this milestone in our short journey of four years of academic activities. This huge success is as a result of our collective resolve to do the right thing, in the right way, at the right time and for the right reasons.
This leadership Mantra that we have adopted at ADUN has been our fortress to attain this worthy Success.
In keeping with the development phases of ADUN, the University is looking at adding other Faculties to the existing ones in the 2022/2023 academic session: the Faculty of Engineering and Technology and Faculty of Maritime Studies.
Finally, for now, Admiralty University of Nigeria has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with some foreign Universities to facilitate exchange of resources, students, staff, research and coordination of efforts aimed at solving human challenges, Ours is a 21st Century informed University with global perspective.
As we savour this moment of success, we want to inform the general public that we are already preparing for our first Convocation later in the year, to release a new generation of leaders trained in character and in learning to make impact in their World.
We also announce that our admissions for 2022/2023 are open and people can get information from our admissions directorate or visit our website on
Onward Together, Onward To Greatness
Long Live ADUN
Long Live the Nigerian Navy
Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Prof Paul Omojo Omaji,
Vice Chancellor
Admiralty University of Nigeria.