Established on the 23rd of January, 2019, the Faculty of Science houses the Department of Biology and Forensic Science; which consists of Conservation & Environmental Biology and Forensic Science Programmes and the Department of Computing Sciences; which comprises of Cyber Security, Computer Science, Applied Physics & Renewal Energy and Software Engineering and Industrial Mathematics programmes. In essence, the faculty has two departments with seven programmes. The workforce is experiencing a gradual increase as well as the student population. The names of Deans of the faculty from inception till date include; Professor Arthur Ume (2019 -2020); Professor I. J. Dioha (2020 – 2022), Professor C. C. Isitua (2022 – 2023 and Assoc. Prof. Gabriel Odachi  (2023 till date).

The faculty has two departments with seven programmes.

Department of Biology and Forensic Science

Conservation & Environmental Biology

Forensic Science Programmes

Department of Computing Sciences

Cyber Security

Computer Science

Software Engineering

Applied Physics & Renewable Energy

Industrial Mathematics